Exercises That You Should Do During Pregnancy

Pregnancy is not an excuse to stop working and exercise. The more you are active, the easier it will be to tackle changes, labour and get back in your shape after the birth of your baby.  Exercise is not harmful to you and your baby. In fact, it will keep you comfortable and healthy. However, you should be cautious while doing exercises as your pregnancy stages go on.

General Tips

  • You shouldn’t do strenuous exercise during pregnancy. Consult your gynaecologist and obstetrician which exercise is benign. Make sure that you don’t pant during exercise as it can affect your baby’s health.
  • If you haven’t been active before pregnancy, you shouldn’t take up strenuous exercise. Try not to continue an activity beyond 15 minutes as you may start huffing and puffing.   
  • Always warm up before exercise. Walking is the best exercise to stay healthy. Drink lots of water and fluids to hydrate your body. Don’t do any training that can cause damage to your baby such as horse riding, gymnastics, cycling etc.
  • Don’t do any exercise that requires you to lie on your back for prolonged hours because the weight of your bump presses on your blood vessels that brings blood back to your heart. This can make you faint.
  • Don’t do any exercise at the height if you are at risk of altitude sickness.

What Exercises You Can Do During Pregnancy

Stomach-strengthening Exercise

Stomach strengthening exercise will strengthen your abdominal muscles and palliate back pain that arises when the size of your baby increases.

Get into a position so that your knees are under hips and hands are under shoulders, Pull your stomach muscles towards your spine and raise your back towards the ceiling. Hold the position for a few seconds and get back to your original position. Don’t make hollow your back when you return.

Pelvic Tilt Exercise

Stand straight against your wall and don’t strain your knees. Pull in your tummy button so that your back flattens against the wall. Hold the position for a few seconds and come back to your original position. Repeat all moves.

Pelvic floor exercises

Pelvic floor exercises help you strengthen your pelvic muscles that are crucial to ease pelvic pain during labour. Contract your anus and urethra as if you are trying to stop a bowel movement or urine. Initially, you tighten or relax your muscles immediately, but then contract it for a long time as much as you can before relaxing.

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